James Lee

Day 1 - Hello World with Deno

I’ve been following and giving Deno a shot from time to time. In this post, I’m going to explore what getting started with Deno looks like, and I am writing a tutorial for someone who is new to programming. I am however assuming minimal experience with Javascript/Typescript and will not cover syntax. Deno has also specifically been chosen because it comes with the command deployctl and allows you to deploy your code to the cloud without any infrastructure knowledge.

Source code example can be found here Deno Hello World.

First What is Deno?

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and the Rust programming language. It was created by Ryan Dahl, the original creator of Node.js. Deno aims to provide a more secure and modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. It comes with a built-in package manager, a set of standard modules, and a secure sandbox for running code. Deno is designed to be a replacement for Node.js and aims to address some of the shortcomings of the Node.js runtime.

Getting Started - Installation

For MacOSX and Linux

curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh | sh

For Windows

iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 | iex

Hello World

The simplest form of hello world that everyone knows. Let’s make our program log out hello world.

Step 1: Initialize a new project

deno init hello-world
cd hello-world

Step 2: Start developer mode

Running this command will start a file watcher that will run your program everytime you save a file.

deno task dev

Step 3: It’s alive

Open main.ts and write a console statement to say hello world

console.log('Hello, World!');

You should now see Hello, World! in your terminal.

Hello World with HTTP

Let’s take it a step further and create a simple web server that will respond with Hello, World! when you visit http://localhost:8000 from your web browser.

Step 1: A simple web server

We will use Deno.serve to create a simple web server. Update main.ts to look like this:

Deno.serve({ port: 8000 }, (): Response => {
  const body = `hello world`;

  console.log('body', body);

  return new Response(body, { status: 200 });

Because we have now started a server that exposes itself to the network, we need to run the program with the --allow-net flag. You’ll notice that you are now prompted to allow network access in the terminal.

Watcher Process started.
 ⚠️  Deno requests net access to "".
 Requested by `Deno.listen()` API.
 Run again with --allow-net to bypass this prompt.
 Allow? [y/n/A] (y = yes, allow; n = no, deny; A = allow all net permissions) >

Select y to allow network access.

Step 2: access the server from your browser

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8000. You should see hello world in your browser.

Step 3: Deploying to the cloud

Deno comes with a built-in command to deploy your code to the cloud deployctl. The following are steps to install the command and deploy your code to the cloud.

:warning: Note: You will need to create an account on deno.com/deploy to deploy your code.

Installing the deployctl command

deno install -A jsr:@deno/deployctl

Logging into Deno Cloud and Deploying to the cloud

deployctl deploy  // this will attempt to login and deploy your code to the cloud
-  Using config file '/Users/james/Projects/uptownhr/uptownhr/apps/deno-hello-world/deno.json'
-  No project name or ID provided with either the --project arg or a config file.
- ? Guessing project name 'uptownhr-uptownhr': you already own this project. Should I deploy to it? [y/N] y
-  No entrypoint provided with either the --entrypoint arg or a config file. I've guessed 'main.ts' for you.
  ℹ Is this wrong? Please let us know in https://github.com/denoland/deployctl/issues/new
- ✔ Deploying to project uptownhr-uptownhr.
  ℹ The project does not have a deployment yet. Automatically pushing initial deployment to production (use --prod for further updates).
- ✔ Entrypoint: /Users/james/Projects/uptownhr/uptownhr/apps/deno-hello-world/main.ts
- ℹ Uploading all files from the current dir (/Users/james/Projects/uptownhr/uptownhr/apps/deno-hello-world)
- ✔ Found 3 assets.
- ✔ Uploaded 3 new assets.
- ✔ Production deployment complete.
- ✔ Updated config file '/Users/james/Projects/uptownhr/uptownhr/apps/deno-hello-world/deno.json'.

View at:
 - https://uptownhr-uptownhr-bb05s0xen29v.deno.dev
 - https://uptownhr-uptownhr.deno.dev

Note the 2 view at links. One is a snapshot of the deployment you’ve just performed, and the other is the current live version of your website. In the future, when you make further deployments you’ll get a new snapshot link, and you will have to explicitly decide to update the live site by adding in --prod to the deploy command. ie: deployctl deploy --prod.

Click and visit either one of these links and you should see hello world in your browser. Because this is in the cloud, you can share this link with any of your friends and they will be able to see your website.

Congrats! You are now live!

Part 2 coming soon: Hello World on Social Media, with a database and AI